What is Naam Yoga?
Naam Yoga is a practical, universal system of self-healing dedicated to uplifting humanity.Naam Yoga unites the spiritual doctrines of Eastern and Western mysticism with ancient and advanced yogic practices. The purpose of Naam Yoga is to heal the physical body, expand one’s consciousness and to become universal in nature by acknowledging the divine essence in oneself, in all beings and in all sacred traditions.
The word “Naam” refers to mathematically structured sound current present in sacred mantra and prayer from an extensive range of mystical backgrounds and traditions. As a yogic science, Naam Yoga combines healing sound current with powerful and distinctive breath work, dynamic physical movement and mudras (hand seals) that beneficially impact the body’s energetic meridian system.

The name Naam Yoga, which was adopted in 2006, is the result of Dr. Levry’s relationship to the late Saint Baba Virsa Singh Ji of New Delhi, India. In the manner of his spiritual tradition, with the rare capacity he was entrusted to hold, he bestowed Dr. Levry with the spiritually transmitted gift of “Naam”. Saint Baba Virsa Singh Ji received the capacity to transmit Naam to others directly from Baba Siri Chand, the son of Guru Nanak. In late 2004, Dr. Levry directly received Naam through a mysterious encounter with Saint Baba Virsa Singh Ji. This sparked the birth of what is now known as Naam Yoga in the West, a merging of Universal Kabbalah with the yogic practices of the East under the auspices of Naam. The practice of Naam Yoga has been developed through Dr. Levry’s lifelong study of various forms of yoga, Kabbalah and Eastern Oriental movement arts. He has been teaching this unique fusion since the 1980’s. As a teacher, student and researcher, his commitment to learning and synthesizing spiritual wisdom innate in all traditions continues to flourish and expand.