T: 1 (310) 751-7550
1231-35 4th Street
Santa Monica, CA 90401



A Comprehensive Holistic Therapy

Chinese Acupuncture is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine and seeks to manipulate the flow of qi (chi) or ‘life energy’ in the body. Practiced in China for over 3,500 years it is based on the principle that qi flows through the body along pathways known as meridians; disruption of its smooth circulation can create illness. There are 365 ‘acupoints’ along the meridians at which qi is concentrated. Acupuncture involves the insertion of fine, sterilized needles into various points in the human body to treat a wide variety of conditions. The insertion of needles into acupoints restores balance to the qi.

Upon the initial consultation, the practitioner will conduct physical examination and ask for a detailed medical history before creating a plan of treatment. Frequency and number of treatments required depends on the nature and severity of the illness. Treatment might take place once a week to begin with; most clients typically require between 6 and 10 sessions. The number of needles used during treatment varies but may be only two or three. They are inserted to a depth of a quarter to one inch and are normally left in position for about 20 minutes. Sessions last between 30 and 90 minutes. Acupuncturists may also recommend herbal remedies as well as diet and lifestyle changes.