T: 1 (310) 751-7550
1231-35 4th Street
Santa Monica, CA 90401
Naam Yoga is a path of service and light. Our beloved
founder and Master Teacher Dr. Joseph Michael Levry (Gurunam) continues to express that now is the time to focus
on serving others. Any time, energy and love you can bring
to help with any of the following requests are gratefully
appreciated. Let’s continue to build community together.
"The unseen force behind giving is so redeeming that it can
resolve problems and enhance every aspect of your life. We
must become like the Sun, that heavenly body that shines its
light indiscriminately on all of the Earth’s inhabitants.
Grow spiritually, glow bright like the Sun and serve by
being a lighthouse. Serve by being the answer not the
- Dr. Joseph Michael Levry (Gurunam), Founder of Naam
If you are interested in joining us and would like more
information, please call:
(310) 751-7550 or send an email to