T: 1 (310) 751-7550
1231-35 4th Street
Santa Monica, CA 90401


Physical Wellness

Personalized Physical Wellness Programs

Physical Health is where many people have challenges. When you take part in our Physical Wellness Programs, you can let go of the fear that healing isn’t possible. You can let go of the fear that you are in it alone and you can trust that someone knows how to help you. Our job is to support you with the best of Naam Yoga Therapies and to help you heal your physical body. Our Physical Wellness Programs can support you in overcoming the following challenges:

• Thyroid Conditions (hyper/hypothyroidism)
• Heart Disease, Heart Health
• Weight Loss/Weight Gain
• Cancer/wasting diseases
• And more coming soon

Coming Winter 2011.
We are here  to tailor a program for your unique situation. Call us at (310) 751-7550.